Boxwood Special Care
Formulated to meet the nutritional needs of Boxwoods and other fine southern landscape plants, including roses and flower beds.

Boxwood Special Care (BSC) is an 18-6-12 100% polymer coated (Poly-On) Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (N-P-K) fertilizer plus a complete minor element package, which meets the nutritional needs of Boxwoods for a full six months. BSC starts to release when the soil temperature reaches 55° F. BSC releases slower in cooler soil temperatures (below 55° F it shuts down) and faster in warmer soil temperatures. BSC is also very effective on roses, flower beds and other high value landscape plants.
Available In 1 Gallon Plastic Container (about 8 lbs.) Includes measuring scoop (enough to feed 10 three foot Boxwoods for the entire growing season)
Billy Angell's Oak Street Garden Shop in Mtn. Brook, AL (205) 870-7542
Billy Angell's Oak Street Garden Shop in Mtn. Brook, AL (205) 870-7542
Also Available in 50 Bag (Best Buy), contact Dave for details
Directions for use
- Apply in the spring just before new growth begins
- Use 1/4 lb. (1/2 cup) per each foot of plant height. Spread evenly under and around the 'drip line' of the plant
- Boxwood Special Care will feed your plants for a full growing season
- Maintenance Rate: After the boxwoods have developed a dark green healthy look (usually into the second year), the above rate can be cut in half.
- Click here to see how Boxwood Special Care works.
- Click here to see the Boxwood Special Care label